One Month Countdown!

Well, we’re back and there’s one month until take-off! It’s been pretty busy around here with school, work, visa applications, multiple visits to various agencies for final paper work. Hopefully, if all goes well, we’ll have all of the administration over with soon!

Now it’s time to catch up with folks before we leave. We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone. It’s tricky with so much going on to get in touch, so we’re hoping that we can catch up.

Trying to figure out what kind of activities we can get up to at the open house. Here are the thoughts so far:

  • Vegemite snacks, sausage roles and meat pies.
  • Didgeridoo demonstrations
  • Pouring over maps (my favourite but probably a bit boring for some people)
  • Guaranteed, we’ll have something for kids to do – if the weather’s nice, there’s the spray park next door
  • Australian sing-a-long?

So, that last one caught my imagination. Here are a few contenders. Let me know if there are others I’ve missed:

…and of course…

If you’re looking for the details of the open house, contact me on facebook or by email.



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2 Responses to One Month Countdown!

  1. Cara says:

    WOO HOO!!!! So excited for you guys!!! And thanks for the tunes. Loved it all:-). Hope to catch up with you guys this weekend to talk visitations!!! Xoxo

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