Dragons and the Deep

July 7, 2015

An early morning with breakfast in the open air restaurant of mini-omelettes, waffles and pastries set us up well for a fantastic day.

Our guide, Ardi, collected us from the resort at 8:30am and we headed into town to drop our big bags off at the tour office and send a few postcards at the post office. Then we were driven to the port of Labuan Bajo.

Sean was enthralled with our dinghy ride to our awaiting vessel, Kartika. Silly, but it felt very Bond-esque to him. Once on board we discovered that we were the only passengers and that this 2-day excursion was tailored to our every wish, within reason.

After dropping our day bags in the air-conditioned cabin, we met Ardi at the dining table for a review our of itinerary. He expertly introduced us to the islands and filled our heads with knowledge regarding the Komodo Dragon. Everything was new and exciting!

Our first stop was a popular snorkeling spot. We reacquainted ourselves with how to snorkel as it had been at least 10 years since our initial snorkeling adventures in Grenada with David James.

The day was beautiful and sunny and the waters clear. We enjoyed the variety of coral and fish, including small gropers and clown fish. Ardi entertained us by feeding banana skins and banana to the schools of fish. Carolyn was introduced to microscopic water bugs which gave her tingles on her arms and legs. Sean came a little too close to the coral and scraped his right leg (however, it looks like dragon claw scrapes and he is claiming it as a battle scar from our adventure).

Back on board the boat, we were fed delicious red snapper, calamari and cooked vegetables. Absolutely wonderful!

After Carolyn took a nap and Sean enjoyed to views from the roof top deck, we arrived at our premier destination – Komodo National Park on Rinca Island!

Our guide Fidhel Castroh carefully guides us around the ranger station. We were delighted to meet several Komodo Dragons – 2 females and 6 males, of various ages, 3- 30 years old. While most tourists come during the rainy season (Sept-Nov), we visited during mating season and had been told that it was a possibility we wouldn’t see them at all. We were witness to meal time near the ranger station kitchen, as the dragons gobble up the food scrapes dropped out the window for them. We also caught a quick but vicious altercation between two male dragons. And we happened upon not one, but two female and male encounters. We got a full lesson in the mating rituals of the dragons!

Our hike through the forest and up the hill also introduced us to the Komodo Wild Boar and Deer, which are the main food source of the dragons. We also watched our for monkeys, lizards, and pheasant-type birds. It was all such an extra-ordinary experience and well worth the travels.

After our time on Rinca Island, we sailed back towards a mangrove island where fruit bats rest during the day. At 6:15 pm we witnessed thousands of fruit bats depart their island and head inland in search of fruit to eat. The flock of bats was probably more than a hundred thousand strong, although the exact number is unknown as Sean stopped counting after the first 48.

Our evening concluded with a delicious meal of poached white snapper, deep fried calamari and a coleslaw type salad. Fresh fruit was offered for dessert.

What a magnificent first day aboard the boat. We were gently rocked to sleep by the changing tide. Another memorable day!

Carolyn and Sean overlooking Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia

Carolyn and Sean overlooking Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia, July 7, 2015

Kartika, July 7, 2015

Kartika, July 7, 2015

Our private cabin, Kartika, July 7, 2015

Our private cabin, Kartika, July 7, 2015

Entrance to Komodo National Park, Rinca Island, July 7, 2015

Entrance to Komodo National Park, Rinca Island, July 7, 2015

Photo shoot with Komodo Dragons, July 7, 2015

Photo shoot with Komodo Dragons, July 7, 2015

Komodo Wild Boar, July 7, 2015

Komodo Wild Boar, July 7, 2015

Sleepy Komodo Dragon (male), July 7, 2015

Sleepy Komodo Dragon (male), July 7, 2015

Fruit bats fly overhead, July 7, 2015

Fruit bats fly overhead, July 7, 2015

This entry was posted in Adventures, Animals, Beaches, beauty, Canadians, dragons, Fish, Food, Indonesia, Komodo, Parks, Travel, views, Walks, Weather and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Dragons and the Deep

  1. caramoraine@hotmail.com says:

    Unbelievable adventures!!! Love the posts and pictures. Thanks guys:-)

  2. Mark says:

    Good for you for exploring even more of those exotic countries before coming home! I have had such a great time reading your blog – thanks so much for posting over the year and safe trip home.

    • Sean Jones says:

      Thanks Mark! This travel blog has proven to be a fantastic way of sharing our adventures! We appreciate your dedication to reading it! More amazing adventures to come! 🙂

  3. Jan says:

    Fascinating! I am so envious of your adventures. Have a wonderful time and thanks for keeping us posted.

  4. Marilyn says:

    Fantastic adventures and pictures🌞!! More sights we have never seen — thanks for sharing! Stay safe and keep the adventures going!!

    • Sean Jones says:

      Thanks for your travel tips Auntie Marilyn! We are making use of some of them as we backpack our way through some very hot and humid countries! Learning to pack light and only pick up very small souvenirs is helping us! Glad to see you are still enjoying the blog! More to come…. 🙂

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