Pumpkin Family, Snail tales by Dale and Kale

March 15, 2015

“Hey, Dale! Did you hear about the snail who bought a new sports car and painted a big S on it?”

“No, Kale, why would he paint a big S on it?”

“So friends would comment, ‘Look at that S-car-go!'”

Snail Storytellers, March 15, 2015

Snail Tails by Dale and Kale, March 15, 2015

“Oh, Kale. You really need to pick-up-the pace. That joke’s been around for ages!”

“Well, have you heard about the Pumpkin Family up in Summertown?”

“Even if I had, you’d still tell me something more.”

“I sure would. Here it goes…”

Once upon a garden, there grew a pumpkin family. Daddy P preferred lounging in the shade. Mommy P chose a relaxing spot by the magnolia tree. Teen P was into the whole ‘orange tan’ craze and distanced herself from the Fam by sunning in the open ground. Kid P was happy to explore amongst the cornrows and Baby P was kept calm in the bush creche. Everyone had their own space and place to live…until harvest time!

Daddy P chills with his Snail Homy in the bush!, March 15, 2015

Daddy P chills with Snail Homey in the bush! March 15, 2015

Mommy P shelters by the young Magnolia, March 15, 2015

Mommy P shelters by the young Magnolia, March 15, 2015

Teen P bakes up a bright orange tan, March 15, 2015

Teen P bakes up a bright orange tan, March 15, 2015

Kid P plays hide-n-seek, March 15, 2015

Kid P plays hide-n-seek, March 15, 2015

Baby P takes a much needed rest, March 15, 2015

Baby P takes a much needed rest, March 15, 2015

Pumpkin Family members were grown from seeds originating from the Jack-o-lantern carved by Carolyn in October 2014.

“Okay, Kale, thanks for the story. We’d better get going before the gardener discovers us! We’ll meet again when you have some better jokes!”

This entry was posted in Adelaide hills, Animals, Comedy, Gardens, Harvest, humor, jokes, plants, pumpkin, South Australia, Stories and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Pumpkin Family, Snail tales by Dale and Kale

  1. Marilyn says:

    Dale and Kale have the makings of a ‘full circle ‘story for Jack-o-lantern time this year:) Two snails so close together might be making their own story. At any rate, I do hope Dale and Kale’s enthusiasm isn’t ‘squashed’. Fantastic photo of the snails! Marilyn

    • Sean Jones says:

      Thanks for all of the compliments! The snails have really enjoyed the Autumn and all the decomposing items to eat in the garden. So far their enthusiasm hasn’t been squashed…just relocated! 😉

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