From Bee to Beach

December 22 – 23, 2014

Our last morning in KI was a little rainy. So we headed into Kingscote and picked up a few items, including a copy of the local newspaper.

We then visited the Island Beehive, where we took in a private tour of the factory. After a lengthy introduction to bee behaviour, we went behind the shop to view the boxes of recently delivered honeycombs. Stepping inside the “warm room” we got to feel the 35 degree temperature (which the worker bees keep constant in their hive) and got to hold a full tray of honeycomb, which was very heavy. Outside of the warm room, we saw the wax processing room where they make bees wax candles. Sean was intrigued by the large bricks of bees wax that resembled blocks of gold.

Although not in production at the time, we got to see the machinery that separates the honey and wax from the comb and the large barrels of processed honey. Such an intriguing site and delicious smell!

We sampled bee pollen and some tasty varieties of honey. Carolyn indulged in a Honey Latte with Bee Pollen and Sean sampled the honey scones. Yummy!

A stop in Baudin Beach Artworks Gallery was necessary, as Esther picked up a sailboat painting she had seen on day one. Then it was off to have some lunch at the Ultima Thule in Penneshaw. We had time to watch the dolphins play in the bay  and took a quick drive around the town (complete with the viewing of some wild Tammar Wallabies) before loading onto the ferry.

Sunshine greeted us on the mainland and we enjoyed a scenic drive to Victor Harbour and to our “Lakeside Getaway” holiday rental house in Encounter Bay.

The morning of December 23 was very exciting as Esther and Carolyn tried surfing for the very first time! Joining a group lesson with Kingo, they girls suited up for a 30 minute lesson on the beach and 90 minutes of practice and instruction in the water. Goolwa Beach was a perfect location for the rookies as the waves are constant yet not too large and the bottom of the water is sand for a good 1.5 km so no rocks to worry about. While the board was easy to mount on the stable sandy beach it proved more challenging in the moving water. Esther scored points for getting to her feet successfully 3 times. Carolyn, while not able to stay standing, provided entertainment with her starfish dismounts. It was a great first effort and indeed worth trying again.

While the girls splashed around in the water, the boys visited the Goolwa Barrage and checked out the beach highway.

Our afternoon had us explore Hindmarsh Island and Granite Island. It was a day of fresh air and all slept well after enjoying a meal at the holiday home.

From Bee to Beach, it was an quite the adventure!

Island Beehive, December 22, 2014

Island Beehive, December 22, 2014

Doug holding a full honeycomb in the "warm room", December 22, 2014

Doug holding a full honeycomb in the “warm room”, December 22, 2014

Sean beside bricks of bees wax, December 22, 2014

Sean beside bricks of bees wax, December 22, 2014

Bee pollen on top of a honey latte, December 22, 2014

Bee pollen on top of a honey latte, December 22, 2014

Esther and Carolyn suited up for surfing, December 23, 2014

Esther and Carolyn suited up for surfing, December 23, 2014

Goolwa Beach, December 23, 2014

Goolwa Beach, December 23, 2014

Girls with their surf boards, December 23, 2014

Girls with their surf boards, December 23, 2014

Esther on her way up and Carolyn adrift, December 23, 2014

Esther on her way up and Carolyn adrift, December 23, 2014

Exploring Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Exploring Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Mini-remarkable rocks on  Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Mini-remarkable rocks on Granite Island, December 23, 2014

Granite Island meadow, December 23, 2014

Granite Island meadow, December 23, 2014

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2 Responses to From Bee to Beach

  1. cara says:

    LOVING the surfer girls and the brave doug holding the bee frame! Way to go adventurers!!!

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