Caroling at the BBQ

Sunday December 14, 2014

With 12 days until Christmas, we got in the spirit of giving our time to volunteer at the Uraidla Carols in the Park. Paul, Sam, Andrew, Lisa, Sean and Carolyn helped to set up and get the BBQ going for the Basket Range Cricket Club. While we are used to community BBQs in Edmonton, this one was an Aussie first. It was our first true BBQ since arriving to the land where BBQing is an institution and a protected activity by law.

After switching out the Cricket Cub BBQ (which wasn’t working) with Paul’s parents BBQ, we got the sausages sizzling and the onions browning. As the smoke and flavours wafted over the crowd it didn’t take long for the the line up to start growing. In contrast to our typical hot dogs and buns, the Aussie sausages are placed on single pieces of white bread, accompanied by fried onions, BBQ sauce and tomato sauce (aka Ketchup). No relish, mustard or pickles at this BBQ.

Unbeknownst to our Cricket Club, our BBQ stand was the only hot food vendor at the event. Therefore, it was the most popular as the Caroling Event started around 6pm (dinner time!). Our customers were picking up the sausages with fervor and it soon became apparent that we may run out. So Paul was sent to pick up extra rations, while Carolyn helped with the BBQing and Sean helped taking orders. Some of the locals complimented Carolyn on her tong technique and asked her if she had helped with community BBQs before. She replied that she had quite a bit of experience and that her father is the King of BBQing and has a herd of BBQs at home. That made the local church pastor laugh.

As the concert got underway, we sold out the first lot and much of the second round of cooking. In all, a profit of $260.00 was raised for the Basket Range Cricket Club. It was a lovely evening for Carols in the park – no mosquitoes and a beautiful sunset.

We came home with smiles on our faces, smelling liked smoked Canadians. It was a memorable BBQ, even if there weren’t enough sausages for the volunteers to eat!

BBQ set-up at Carols in the Park, Uraidla, SA, December 14, 2014

Our First Aussie BBQ at Carols in the Park, Uraidla, SA, December 14, 2014

Basket Range Cricket Club BBQ fundraiser, Uraidla, SA, Decemeber 14, 2014

Basket Range Cricket Club BBQ fundraiser, Uraidla, SA, Decemeber 14, 2014

Carolyn and Sean all smiles after a successful volunteering evening, Uraidla, SA, December 14, 2014

Carolyn and Sean all smiles after a successful volunteering evening, Uraidla, SA, December 14, 2014


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2 Responses to Caroling at the BBQ

  1. cara says:

    Way to make the Canadians look good kids!!

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