Carolyn the Cricketer

December 6, 2014

Another “Aussie First” happened for Carolyn. She was called up, off of the bench (literally), to play for the Basket Range “D” Cricket Team, the Dragons. Talk about audience participation!

As the boys were short a player and Carolyn was willing to “give it a go” she got to experience a full length 80 over Cricket Match from field level. She took directions very well and was a quick learner, putting all of her softball centre field skills to the test. After an initial reaction of “yikes” to the first ground ball hit towards her, she settled in and quickly learned to bend down to stop the ball with her legs and hands rather than her feet.

She also put her bush-whacking skills to the test as the team searched for 3 “over-the-fence and in the gully” balls. The ball had to be found as cricket rules dictate that teams cannot switch out the game ball during the match. It has to be the same ball used for the entire game! Next time, Carolyn will wear thicker socks to avoid the brambles and prickles!

Both the home team and the visitors cheered Carolyn on as she managed to stop several balls in the field, one on her knee cap. Ouch!

Basket Range “D” Team has some pretty skilled batsman. However, many of them struggled with the intense opposition bowler and before she knew it, it was time for Carolyn to “pad-up.” With a 4 minute tutorial from Sean (the blind leading the blind) and a few practice bats in the batting nets, Carolyn was off to the pitch.

Heart racing, she managed to protect the wickets and even hit a couple balls. She delighted in scoring her first ever run in Cricket and was cheered on by all. She managed to keep her composure as the last batsman and was that last player standing – not out!

Despite the team loss, Carolyn provided some morale-boosting as everyone was quite impressed that she stuck with it and gave it her all.

Carolyn has taken home a few souvenir bruises from the match but left the grounds with a big smile! It was such an exciting experience and everyone was good sports about the whole thing. Some players even commented that they would have Carolyn play again any day! What an accomplishment – from spectator to star!

Carolyn suits up for batting, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

Carolyn pads up for batting, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

Carolyn on the Oval, getting some batting tips, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

Carolyn on the Oval, getting some batting tips, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

Carolyn is all smiles during her first cricket match, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

Carolyn is all smiles during her first cricket match, Basket Range Oval, December 6, 2014

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1 Response to Carolyn the Cricketer

  1. cara says:

    WOOHOO!!! Way to go Carolyn:-). So proud of your courage and bringing some girl-power to what is typically an manly-man game. Love it!


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